Monday, June 4, 2007

Honolulu - New Zealand – Australia Travel Log for 6.4.2007

Was out of the chute for the 9 hour flight to Auckland from Honolulu. Temperature wise, Honolulu 24 degrees and sunny Auckland 11 degrees. A bit of a change but that was nothing considering that after getting the rental car it took me just over an hour to find my way out of the airport and heading in the right direction.

Given that the NZ maps give you the route numbers, the highway signs are a bit remiss in not providing the route numbers at all. Thank the lucky stars that it was a Sunday and still early in the morning and no one caught on that there could be a possible terrorist in a small red rental going around in circles swearing and gesturing wilding.

And being that it is the Queen's birthday, Monday is a holiday here in NZ, so getting my motorcycle kit together before shipment to OZ is a priority.

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